Correct monetization and correct choosing ad service can improve blog monthly earning rate. In web you will find many advertising network for publishers. But most of them are not paid as much as your blog potential. Choosing any advertising network and monetize blog with that is not a best idea?? Anyone can’t tell which ad network can work better for your blog?? But we never experiment our blog with other ad network ads we always goes for some reputed ad networks. It’s time to check other ad networks; Here I listed 10 best advertising network for publishers. Hope you like it.
Top 10 Advertising Network For Publishers 2015
Google Adsense
No surprise adsense is the world largest and best advertising network for many years. Adsense account approval is quite hard but not impossible. If you follow adsense policy and webmaster quality guideline you can easily get approve by adsense. Adsense show best display ad, mobile ads, video ads and search result ads. Adsense mainly popular for their relevant ads and High CPC and CPM rates.
Details –
- Publisher Traffic Requirement – None
- Payment Method – Check, Western Union
- Minimum payout – 100$
Infolinks is best in in-text ads. It approves almost all blogs. Infolinks offer four kinds of ads intext ads, insearch, inframe and intag ads. It also works with adsense without violating any rule. To get maximum benefit combine infolink ads and any other image base ads network.
Details –
- Publisher Traffic Requirement – None
- Payment Method – e-check, Paypal, Western Union
- Minimum payout – 50$
Chitika is another one of the largest advertising network after adsense with more than 300,000 publishers. You can use chikita and other ad networks such as adsense ad in same page without violating any rule. It also gives high CPC rate but sometimes clicks from Asian courtiers its give almost zero money. It works best if you mixed chitika ad with adsense ads.
Details –
- Publisher Traffic Requirement – None
- Payment Method – Check, paypal
- Minimum payout – 10$
RevenueHits –
RevenueHits is an Israeli-based ad network founded in 2008. Their ads are performing based on CPA so you will get money if visitor click on your ads. Varity types to ads are available so you can choose best ad size for your blog. Its support system is quite impressive if you have any query ask them, they will give you reply within 24 hours.
Details –
- Publisher Traffic Requirement – None
- Payment Method – Paypal, Wire Transfer
- Minimum payout – 50$
Another one big advertising network nearly gets two million impressions per day. offers various types of display ads, video, mobile ads and some custom implementation as well. If your blog getting large portion visitors are came from (UK, US and Canada) you should try this ad network.
Details –
- Publisher Traffic Requirement – None
- Payment Method – Check, paypal
- Minimum payout – 25$ is a contextual ad service program from Yahoo!Bing Network. Contextual ad service means readers will be see advertisement related to the content of the page. As per quality of ads you have a good chance to earn huge money. Like chitika you can add ad with adsense ads without violating any rules. To create an account go request an invite.
Details –
- Publisher Traffic Requirement – None
- Payment Method – Paypal, Wire transfer
- Minimum payout – 100$
Buysellads is another way to earn some money from blog or website. In short a marketplace for publishers and advertiser to buy and sell ads. Main problem is it does not approve domain you have to buy a custom domain to get approval and its approval process quite hard. You blog monthly visitor should be more than 15k for eligible as a buysellads publisher.
Details –
- Publisher Traffic Requirement – 15K Visitor per month minumum
- Payment Method – Paypal
- Minimum payout – 20$
Clicksor is a Canada base ad network. Mainly targeted UK base traffic if you try most from this you have to get 50% traffic from Canada, US as well as UK. Clicksor offer six different types of ads for publishers such as text ads, layer ads, pop-up ads, full page popup ad many more.
Details –
- Publisher Traffic Requirement – None
- Payment Method – e-check, Paypal, Bank Transfer
- Minimum payout – 50$
Bidvertiser is another display advertising program to earn some extra money. It Offer advertisers to directly bid against each other for publisher ad space. Bidvertiser offer many types of display ads. It also offer referral program. Its referral program is much better than its advertising program.
Details –
- Publisher Traffic Requirement – None
- Payment Method – Paypal
- Minimum payout – 10$
Another ad network for high traffic website mainly visitors from Canada, US and UK. Main disadvantage is Madadsmedia ads are not as relevant as other ad network. If your blog get big amount of traffic you can see your earning rate i
n their revenue calculator.
n their revenue calculator.
Details –
- Publisher Traffic Requirement – None
- Payment Method – PayPal, Wire Transfer
- Minimum payout – 50$
Kontera is similar to infolinks in-text advertising program. Kontera check two main rule( 1. atleast 50 word per page, 2. no questionable content of any kind ) to approve your blog or website. Kontera offers many types of ads such as Text and Image, Rich Media, Video, Expandable, Customizable Units.
Details –
- Publisher Traffic Requirement – None
- Payment Method – Paypal, Wire Transfer
- Minimum payout – 50$
Conclusion –
These 11 ad networks are best for monetize any blog. If you want to monetize your blog must check above ad networks I see many people whose are try first Google adsnese if google does not accept their blog then they give up and stop blogging. These all ad networks are work different basis so it’s not correct you will earn same but this not mean you will earn lower than Google adsense. Monetize your blog will other ad network and keep blogging.
If you use any other ad network do share with me in commen