Remembering “Roe’ and its Ongoing Political Factions, by Steve Penfield

Remembering “Roe’ and its Ongoing Political Factions, by Steve Penfield

Roe v. Wade may have been the dumbest Supreme Court ruling of the 20th century. But it wasn’t the first assault on American liberties or the most devastating Court decision. And its legacy is far from over.

While so many Proud American Patriots and Single-Issue Simpletons were distracted, all hell broke loose over the last century. In many ways, the cultural decline that led to this 1973 Court decision is more important than the foolish ruling itself.

This January 22 will mark the 52nd anniversary of seven elderly men on the U.S. Supreme Court injecting their personal opinions into one of the most divisive and nonsensical rulings in America’s history. Although the Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, its negative effects will stay with us for quite a while, with single-issue extremists digging in on both sides for more political theatrics and continued avoidance of other important affairs.

At minimum, abortion will remain a contentious topic at the state level for the foreseeable future. And it will most likely be trotted out by Democrats at the national level as some libertine shibboleth to distract people from their other totalitarian policies (including this one). If Republicans stay true to form, they will continue defensively stammering about the “sanctity of life,” as they promote crushing economic blockades and mass-murder around the globe.

But predictable demagoguery from both sides over “reproductive rights” or “family values” is only part of the story. The legal absurdity of Roe, which reveals ongoing Democrat contempt for the Constitution, is also important.

So is the complete joke of the Religious Right and its ongoing melodrama over their ONE Big Issue. As is the massive federal interference on literally everything from Agriculture to Energy and Retirement Planning to Wage Controls—and over a dozen other major areas affecting Americans daily—that many “pro-choice” or “pro-life” adherents would rather not discuss.

Also significant is the sick obsession with forcing every community across the country to accept what many Americans (including Planned Parenthood not long ago) regard as “baby killing” right in their own neighborhoods. As to the Queer Paring of anti-abortion Christian Zionists and pro-abortion Reformed Jews, this side topic will be left to the Comments section where some degree of dialogue could provide better analysis and be less distracting from the main story.

Avoiding the Trap of Single-Issue Fanaticism (including Nationalism)

Since abortion tends to be a topic that leads to tiresome sloganeering and dogmatic orthodoxies, I’ll be adding some “bonus material” to this essay to keep things interesting. This includes a long overdue rebuke of the tax-favored clown posse of the Church of the One Commandment that elevates this ONE topic to obscene levels. (Their other pet cause of Zionist supremacy is equally absurd. I’ll leave that for another day.)

And let’s be honest. I’d bet that over 90% of the readers of this site would rather talk about Nationalism than Abortion—or perhaps any other topic. So for today, I’ll talk about both. In so doing, I’m hoping to share the spotlight with some of the proud American folks like these who don’t quite seem to “get it” on a lot of important things…

In a more general sense, many right-wing ideologues get cause and effect backwards on the topics of abortion, related woke/sexual/LGBTQ issues—and Nationalism too. That is, the insane 1973 Court ruling that Nationalized “abortion rights” wasn’t launched as some surprise attack on an otherwise healthy American culture. That assault on community standards (and human decency) came as the logical conclusion of 70-80 years of steady drift into the abyss.

By the time that totalitarian New Deal berserkers took control in the pivotal 1930s, most Americans had already bought into a heap of Nationalist fantasies that left them vulnerable to the charlatans who feasted on the easy prey of a hollowed out society stumbling in the dark. I’ll cite a few dozen examples of Nationalist expansion (almost always imposed without voter input) with a concise timeline later in this essay.

The fact that scores of right-wing academics and “sponsor me” shills think that the answer to all of our problems is more empty National sloganeering is counterproductive to say the least. And that approach has failed badly since at least the 1890s… not that reality has ever clouded the judgment of zealous political demagogues trolling for patrons.

Moving on to the main feature…

Prelude to ‘Roe’: Inventing new federal powers for (certain) “privacy” rights

Even with an activist Court of the 1960s already steeped in expanding federal roles into areas (labor law, education, farming, housing, racial revenge, etc.) where no legitimate authority was granted in the Constitution, it was an enormous stretch to claim federal power to usurp over a century of State legislation on abortion. So the Court’s progressives invented “abortion rights” in two steps, starting with selective “privacy rights” for birth control. Or more aptly, federal rights to strike down an 1879 Connecticut law they disliked.

(Those privacy rights would be entirely forgotten when three liberal Justices in 2022 claimed OSHA authority to impose experimental gene therapy on anyone working at a company with 100 or more employees. Other explicit Constitutional privacy rights to be “secure in their persons, houses, papers” from arbitrary “searches and seizures” (i.e., the Fourth Amendment) were cast away long ago by federal agencies demanding self-incrimination under the guise of “racial justice” or “environmental compliance” or almost anything else now.)

But in 1965, the U.S. Supreme Court needed to be a bit more creative to allow Washington to creep into American bedrooms. Here is where a feminist named Estelle Griswold, head of Planned Parenthood enterprises in Connecticut, enters the picture. Ms. Griswold and an activist professor named Lee Buxton of Yale (who volunteered for Planned Parenthood) were looking for a way to spread their controversial ideas on birth control—without the effort of changing state law—and figured the Court would be receptive to their politics and methods.

The “facts” of the Griswold vs. Connecticut case as summarized by the liberal law organization Justia state that Buxton and Griswold “opened a birth control clinic in New Haven” and

They were arrested and convicted of violating the law, and their convictions were affirmed by higher state courts. However, this was part of their plan to use the clinic to challenge the constitutionality of the statute under the Fourteenth Amendment, on which grounds they appealed to the Supreme Court.

As progressives had done before on community housing agreements and racial revenge laws, the problematic 14th Amendment was selected as their weapon of choice. That post-Civil War amendment from 1868 was again used in 1965 to invert the Constitution from a shield to protect against federal abuses into a weapon to advance them.

The bewildering language that the Court majority rested upon in Griswold vs. Connecticut to invent a federal “privacy right” to strike down a State law on birth control has often been ridiculed since then for its grasping and arbitrary nature. Wikipedia provides the excerpt from the famous 1965 SCOTUS opinion:

The foregoing cases suggest that specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance. Various guarantees create zones of privacy.

Instead of limiting federal power as had been originally intended, the Court hid behind the excuse of “privacy” to now expand federal powers to trample State authority, as it had done many times before during the prior three decades. To invent federal powers on advancing “abortion rights” in 1973, the Court would continue its foray into the vapors of the shadows of a Constitution they openly despised.

Keeping an Eye on the Big Picture / Low-Budget Commercial Break

As noted above, with polarizing topics like abortion (and other “hot button” issues) I find it important to keep an eye on the larger view of the political landscape. If you had asked me 30 years ago what I thought was the primary argument for or against legalized abortion, I probably would have focused on basic human science. If age and experience has taught me anything, I think otherwise today.

Among other things, the legal and cultural implications surrounding legalized abortion seem more important now. And more interesting.

One such topic of interest is media history and the evolution of mass communications.

As you may have noticed, legacy media is absolutely stuffed to the gills on corporate media bribes they blithely refer to as “advertisements.” I’ll skip the lengthy analysis today on why and how state laws should be strengthened to crack down on this dangerous and “unregulated” co-mingling of Corporate Media privileges and Corporate Hush Money and just note that institutional bribery is a problem. Big Pharma’s grip on our privileged FCC broadcasters is just one such example.

Since The Unz Review is gloriously “ad-free” (except for authors plugging their books) I’ll take the liberty to insert a few Public Service Announcements on topics of general interest in the realm of abortion politics. In a larger sense, the enormity of America tolerating systematic parental “killing” of children for over 50 years is just too mind-boggling to ignore the extensive cultural breakdowns that brought us to this point.

If this were a movie, I’d call it vital backstory. I’ll be getting back to the main feature soon.

Sex on the Brain: Meet the ‘Church of the One Commandment’

As anyone vaguely familiar with abortion politics since the 1970s should know, the Pro-Life side is heavily represented by Christian conservatives. Anyone acquainted with conservative Christian media and political activism should also know that abortion, LGBTQ issues, sexual purity and “family values” dominates their public discussions—often at the expense of many other important (and Biblical) topics.

Here we have one of many instances of the problem of *subsidized* religious officials pandering to an audience of believers. For example, telling an audience of married Christian adults that “sex before marriage is wrong” (or the “most grievous sin” according to some) will get lots of heads nodding in agreement and probably a few “Amens.” That’s because it’s just telling people what they want to hear, not challenging anyone at all, thus no need for personal reflection or—shocking to think—changing our ways to conform to God’s will. (Black pastors howling about white “racism” as the root of all evil is another great example of disgraceful pandering, which in this case hurts blacks more than anyone.)

According to the Church of the One Commandment, most forms of organized stealing, killing, coveting and (blatant) idol worship are perfectly fine… as long as someone doesn’t have sex with the wrong person. Along the way, the common “evil” of political favoritism and “detestable” double standards somehow got lost in translation.

(Organized religion in West is badly overdue for another “reformation” or whatever we choose to call it. Starting with the “clergy” vs. “laity” scam of long ago, then twisting temporary famine relief into a permanent corporate hierarchy, then adding convoluted “ordination” rules to consolidate power, then going insane in the 4th century AD… soon led to the protracted misery known as the Dark Ages. After centuries of squalor, the Corporate Church took a fancy to exploiting peasants to erect thousands of pretentious castle “churches,” went hog wild with numerous Crusades, and terrorized most of Europe with the extreme intolerance of multiple Inquisitions.

Thanks to a small army of brave Christian reformers, Europe finally gained a significant respite that liberated millions (c. 1400s to 1800s) and lifted society to new heights. Then the 20th century of American exceptionalism and European fatigue saw much of their cultures gradually falling back to pagan idol worship and increasingly crass corporate racketeering.)

So, yeah, I’d say the institutional Church of the West has much to answer for. As do “secular” academic shysters who copy nearly all of that contrived pomposity—with no moral foundation to stand on. But no sane person expects self-worshipping ideologues to actually solve problems. We can and should expect more from any sincere “religious” folk.

As things now stand in America, approved religious corporations start with a lucrative 100% property tax exemption to build elaborate temples where polished stage preachers dazzle their passive audiences with empty rhetoric, book-thumping, podium humping and mountains of superficial fluff. As noted previously, the arrogance proceeds as

Other favoritism awarded to approved “non-profit” sects (religious and secular) include blanket exemptions to utilize child labor and dodge “minimum wage” laws for millions of volunteering adults—while often self-righteously condemning those practices if any gainful business should attempt them. Among other things, favoritism leads to hyper-legalism (running amok in our society) and revolting levels of hypocrisy—more “bad fruit” of subsidized religion.

A central theme of modern institutional religion (and also secular education) can be reduced to the profound but unspoked assumption that: “I’m special, I deserve special treatment.” The presumption of entitlement behind this massive favoritism leads to the arrogance, cowardice, and eventual blindness that now accompanies much of the West’s cultural demise.

No one wants to listen to a bunch religious charlatans lecturing us on “abortion” or “family values” any more than people want to suffer through university cranks howling about “racism, sexism and homophobia.” Thanks to centuries of willful acceptance of rampant favoritism and harmful double standards, organized religion now has zero credibility with most Americans and Europeans on any topic of social importance. (University crackpots only have credibility because their friends in news and entertainment grant them free platforms for their preaching—as long as it’s toxic and anti-social.)

Since the alternatives of frothing pagan nationalism or self-worshipping sophistry have proven to be immeasurably worse over the last century, I don’t think “religion” itself is the problem. A few examples on the “secular” side of the aisle…

Putting religious differences aside, one would hope that any reasonable Christian, Jew, Muslim or atheist should be able to find common ground that no religion should be subsidized. But as of today, it appears that this position is extremely unpopular—at least among public intellectuals of any significance.

Which brings us to the almost unbelievable Roe v. Wade ruling from 1973…

The National Travesty of Roe v. Wade

Perhaps it’s fitting that arguably the dumbest (not worst) Supreme Court ruling in American history began with a lie. It’s largely forgotten that this case started with false “rape” claims of plaintiff Norma “Jane Roe” McCorvey—cruelly exploited by feminist lawyers who didn’t care about their courtroom prop. Ms. McCorvey’s subsequent public admission of lying has rarely gotten in the way of the mainstream narrative that promotes legalized abortion as the height of human achievement.

The Roe verdict proceeded to invent national “abortion rights” based on the flimsy 1965 SCOTUS language from Griswold vs. Connecticut about mystical “rights” floating around in the “emanations” of the “penumbras” (that is, the vapors of the shadows) of a Constitution they had shredded long ago.

Once again, this high federal court trampled on the laws of all 50 States, often invalidating “democratic” public expressions on the books for over a century. The seven pro-abortion Justices further disgraced themselves by their complete lack of understanding of medical science, not to mention basic Constitution law, with attempts to define “viability”—as in Who is a Person (with full legal rights) vs. Who is Not a Person (with no legal rights). As such, the 1973 Court was trodding in a grizzly arena where even the animated Courts of the 1940s and 50s dared not step.

These facts alone should be enough to qualify Roe v. Wade as one of the stupidest Supreme Court decisions of all time. But it gets worse. As it turns out, there were significant legal and scientific reasons to either respect State laws as perfectly valid or summarily reject the plaintiff’s claims of ignorance over human development—ignorance (they argued) must point in favor of legalized abortion.

The ‘Settled Science’ of the 1960s

The seven pro-abortion judges (five Republicans and two Democrats) behind the majority ruling in Roe v. Wade covered their lack of medical knowledge with over 30 pages of rambling sophistry on everything from the Hippocratic Oath to bizarre assertions that “abortion was practiced (without scruple) in Greek times as well as in the Roman Era” and that “Ancient religion did not bar abortion.” Beyond that, the pro-abortion judges talked a lot about “liberty” and “privacy,” as they suddenly recognized it, and leaned heavily on the dubious 14th Amendment of 1868 vintage.

In his dissent, Nixon-appointee William Rehnquist (joined by JFK-nominee Byron White) pointed out that:

By the time of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, there were at least 36 laws enacted by state or territorial legislatures limiting abortion. While many States have amended or updated their laws, 21 of the laws on the books in 1868 remain in effect today. Indeed, the Texas statute struck down today was, as the majority notes, first enacted in 1857…

But the seven abortion activist lawyers had no regard for long-established judicial precedent. And the “science” behind the majority ruling was even more bleak. Author of the majority opinion, Harry Blackmun, reflected on the rudimentary medical knowledge of the Greco-Roman period, claiming:

Most Greek thinkers, on the other hand, commended abortion, at least prior to viability.

… There has always been strong support for the view that life does not begin until live birth. This was the belief of the Stoics.

As for current medical science, the seven pro-abortion lawyers were dumbfounded. If any of them had the intellectual curiosity to open the Encyclopedia Britannica of that era, they might have learned under the section on “Embryology, Human” that:

The heart begins to beat toward the end of the third week [after conception]. The voluntary muscles are able to contract in response to external stimuli (touch or pin prick) after the eighth week and spontaneous movements may begin as early as 9.5 weeks. (1963 Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 8, page 329)

So if “progress” means anything, modern medical science could accurately update the ancient concept of “abortion” (i.e., an unplanned interruption, as in “abort mission”) to something more like infanticide—that is, intentional killing of a child with a detectable heart beat and other human features. Conversely, using the “viability” argument (Blackmun’s favorite crutch) a person could easily make a case that a one or two year old child is not “viable” to live on his own without continual support from an adult. Therefore, any young child could be killed for any reason, under the slippery Roe doctrine.

And the chief agitators for legal infanticide, abortion industry heavyweights Planned Parenthood, were fully aware of this science. One of the more damning “smoking guns” of 20th century U.S. politics comes from Planned Parenthood’s 1960s brochure “Plan Your Children for health and happiness” that promoted artificial birth control at a time when it was still controversial. That pamphlet contained a Question & Answer section as follows:

Is it an operation?

It is not an operation of any kind.

Is it an abortion?

Definitely not. An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun.

For greater mass appeal, we have Life magazine in 1965, then one of the most widely read publications in the country. In April 1965, the magazine’s famous cover feature “Life Before Birth” showed state-of-the-art photos of human development and explicitly stated that life starts at conception. After a short introduction, the main article begins:

The birth of a human life really occurs at the moment the mother’s egg cell is fertilized by one of the father’s sperm cells.

Their 1965 feature (reproduced in full here and with pro-life commentary here) went on to explain in simple scientific language—accompanied by over a dozen magnified in utero photographs—how a pre-born child develops from day one to week 28. This was science without any political overtones. None whatsoever.

Back when I became aware of this once famous (now forgotten) feature in Life magazine about three decades ago, I made a point to spend a few hours looking through other bound periodicals from that period (mainly Time and Newsweek) to see if anyone was expressing disagreement with the magazine’s quoted “birth of a human life” assessment above, or their article in general. I couldn’t find anything of the sort.

Apparently, there was no scientific or political push-back at the time against Life’s groundbreaking discovery. For those and other reasons, the understanding that abortion kills innocent life would easily qualify as settled science by the mid-1960s. Corruptible journalists, academic hacks and deceitful politicians have, since then, only confused matters by inserting misleading jargon (“pro-choice,” “abortion rights,” “safe and legal,” “reproductive rights,” etc.) reflecting their personal preferences of what they wish was science.

(The “choice” canard is particularly rich coming from pro-abortion liberals who are usually anti-choice on education, anti-choice on vax mandates, anti-choice on energy use, anti-choice on private property, anti-choice on hiring decisions, wildly anti-choice on community standards and pro-Big Government on everything… except for human life. Taken in its entirety, the doctrinaire anti-choice/pro-death attitude of many Democrats and some RINOs reveals the core philosophy of self-worshipping sociopaths, not “atheists” who believe in nothing.)

The decade after the Roe decision saw further scientific advances favoring the anti-abortion position. Video evidence from former abortionist Bernard Nathanson, who made the 1984 film Silent Scream showing an abortion at 12 weeks and then the 1987 film Eclipse of Reason featuring the full-on dismemberment of a 2nd or 3rd trimester child, cut through the fog of pro-abortion claims that the target of that procedure was just a “lump of cells.” Both documentaries gave the Right to Life movement a major boost of energy in the 1980s (the latter film piqued my interest back then) but were briefly attacked and then ignored in the mainstream press.

On the other side, “abortion rights” activists focused heavily on sloganeering about “choice” to convince people that pregnancy was a disease that needed to be cured by a “healthcare provider.” Other pro-abortion attempts to link science and ancient religious beliefs are equally unimpressive. This Reformed Jewish rabbi and pro-abortion activist claims:

In the Talmud, a collection of Jewish legal materials, it states: “Until 40 days from conception, the fetus is merely water.”

Notwithstanding that trite bit of religious doctrine and related demagoguery, the abovementioned scientific and video evidence and sound legal arguments convinced millions of people to take a public stance against the willful killing of unborn children (in my opinion, preferably enforced on a State-by-State level). But the pro-abortion movement had money—from the Rockefellers and Warren “abortion church” Buffett, to more recently Bill Gates, Mike Bloomberg, George Soros, etc. and the industry’s own profitable assembly lines—and overwhelming media support on their side.

Of Course, Science isn’t Everything

Here’s the thing about “science” in the real world. Anyone with a pulse eventually comes to the reality of what “just happened” after a pregnancy is voluntarily ended. It may take days or it may take years. But anything that violent and unnatural leaves a mark. That’s just basic human nature.

And the medical quacks who con people into this desperate “choice” will be long gone, counting their easy cash and soothing the next pregnant mother to “just let me in there… I’ll make your troubles disappear.” While I can certainly sympathize with anyone facing an unexpected pregnancy—particularly a young woman whose life now seems thrown into disarray—I would counsel anyone to ignore people who advise women that pregnancy is a disease that needs to be cured at an “abortion clinic.”

I also agree with the tens of millions of other Americans who don’t want to live in a community with such open contempt for human life. But since politics is the art of compromise, I’m fine if some folks in NYC and California want to exterminate their own kids. Furthermore, if Freedom of Religion and “Congress shall make no law”—once setting America apart from the entire world—mean anything, then pagans, atheists and other people with pro-infanticide belief systems have a valid case to establish STATE laws of their liking. Life means very little to some people.

Accordingly, pro-abortion States should be respectful if people from other States want to live in communities that hold a more tolerant view of the weakest members of society. If God, Truth, Justice and/or Mother Nature favor one position over the other, time will bear this out. But the totalitarian Roe v. Wade approach of forcing every community across the country to accept what many Americans rightly regard as “baby killing” right in their own neighborhoods is a recipe for chaos.

No matter how much scientific evidence can be presented, greedy abortionists, lying media stooges and “dispassionate” academic cyborgs will continue saying whatever they want about tiny “embryos” that can’t feel pain and inhuman “fetuses” who are ripe for harvesting. The enormity of their cruelty—and lust for worldly power—has no limits.

And the enormity of what America has tolerated since 1973 can only be put into proper perspective when we consider how far America had already fallen in prior generations. Not only in another egregious SCOTUS decision that I’ll discuss next, but also the general arch of Nationalist myopia that seized hold of America over the past century (I’ll get to that right afterwards).

Roe v. Wade was not the most Disastrous Supreme Court Decision

What could be worse than seven activist judges overturning State laws on a whim and imposing abortion on demand across the nation? For the 20th century, only one SCOTUS decision comes to mind in that lowly category: the 1948 Shelley vs. Kraemer ruling that nullified Freedom of Association, decimated dozens of once thriving urban communities, and set the stage for further Constitutional assaults in subsequent decades.

All of this willful urban carnage was inflicted so a small group of sanctimonious political extremists could grandstand about “racism” and pretend that “access to white neighborhoods is a universal human right,” to paraphrase a conservative commenter from another website.

Why blacks (and the Jews pushing the Shelley case) would want to live in “racist” white neighborhoods in the first place has never been explained, as far as I can tell. As of 1948, blacks and other “minorities” were already free to buy open land and build their own communities from the ground up, as many had previously done, or to find one of the thousands of existing neighborhoods in America that accepted black homeowners. But the activist lawyers pushing the Shelley’s lawsuit saw political force as the only means to their dubious goal.

These 12 selected cities (and many others in the U.S.) were vibrant cultural centers experiencing steady (often explosive) growth since at least 1850. Their growth saw little or no lasting impact from two World Wars and the Great Depression. But then the “lights went out” sometime in the 1950s and beyond—a phenomenon that rarely receives the honest scholarship it deserves. Here are the key population trends from 1900 to 2000 for those cities.

These numbers of urban losses, as incredible and unprecedented as they were, don’t come close to doing justice to the pain and suffering involved for the victims—including millions of poor black casualties of rich black poverty pimps. On the numbers side, if the 1900-1950 growth rates had stayed on track for the next 50 years, the total population gains by the year 2000 from those cities might have been about 20 million residents, not any losses at all. The 4.8 million population drop shown above is only based on a “static” approach of no expected gains—but that’s still a massive, largely involuntary, dislocation of people.

A reasonable person might ask: Why uproot and move out, away from friends, family and familiar surroundings, often to unknown parts of the country… IF cities were still safe and stable? This type of question is one that very few have bothered to publicly ask in the last few generations. Perhaps that’s because the apparent evidence suggests that many cities after about 1950 were no longer safe or stable.

The Freedom of Association that had previously been a bedrock principle encouraging America’s many thousands of free-standing businesses and communities to prosper was suddenly eliminated in 1948. Instead of people with a vested interest in the long-term profit, growth and stability of their local institutions, grandstanding judges and politicians in Washington—with no real interest in any of those positive outcomes—set civilization backwards for decades to come.

Thanks to their reckless national purification efforts against “bad attitudes” of some whites, the worst charlatans and demagogues from Marty King to Jesse Jackson and countless others were now emboldened to inflame hostilities to gain votes from their aggrieved followers, demonize white “racism” to excuse any black behavior, and garner favorable media coverage from willing accomplices who thrive on conflict. And racial divisions got dramatically worse after that.

Although the urban decline that began after the 1950 census is well known among academics, it is extremely rare to see anyone associate negative consequences with this 1948 Court case. The glowing Wikipedia page on Shelley vs. Kraemer says nothing at all about race riots or the millions of people driven out of urban communities following that “landmark” Supreme Court decision.

Anyone interested in a more detailed legal analysis of Shelley vs. Kraemer can refer to my SCOTUS essay from a few months ago. For today, I’ll only address some of the more popular excuses for why cities that had been steadily growing for over 100 years suddenly reversed course in the 1950s and never recovered.

Calm before the Storm: New York City in the 1950s

The Interstate Highway System begun in 1956 is a poor excuse (that some still make) for urban meltdown; those highways could just as easily have allowed rural Americans to continue flooding into the cities, as they had done during prior generations. Had anyone wanted to leave those cities in the 1920s or 30s or 40s, there were plenty of state roads and vast open spaces to go and build new communities; that did not happen in any significant degree before the 1950 census.

Britannica and other sources confirm that there were no significant U.S. race riots in the 1950s. The first riots of the 1960s began in Harlem (1964) and Watts (1965) with hundreds more over the next decade. In all but one of the dozen examples in the table above, urban population peaked at the 1950 census (Newark peaked in 1930). All twelve example cities lost population during the 1960 census and kept declining for decades.

The Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education decision that stripped local authority at public schools under the guise of racial fairness certainly contributed to urban decline. However, it was the pivotal 1948 Shelley ruling the opened the door to federal interference on local housing and also race relations that the 1954 Brown decision merely continued.

Up through the 1940s, cities were bustling cultural centers home to millions of working-class citizens of various ethnicities (e.g., Irish, Polish, Italian, German, Jewish, etc.) with schools that made an honest effort to provide kids with a meaningful education. The common dismissal of “white flight” mocks the suffering of millions of those American citizens and masks the racial hostilities that black militants and Jewish lawfare artists were inflicting upon the nation.

This was an intentional Slaughter of Cities, as one alternative writer put it in his 2003 book (which I have not yet read, other than the related book review and some of his other articles).

As to the ethnic-religious worldview of the ones pushing the Shelley lawsuit, Wikipedia now boasts:

The fact that 4 of the 5 Jewish lawyers involved in the 1948 Shelley assault intentionally hid their clan loyalties (as admitted by Judeo-centric editors at Wikipedia) seems to indicate a guilty conscience by bad actors. Furthermore, Jewish members of Congress, Hollywood and Big Media have been fanning the flames of racial hostilities since at least the 1930s in America, with numerous wars and countless millions of deaths to show for it. To this day, the overwhelming majority of Jewish media elites celebrate racial violence and economic terrorism as “peaceful protests” for “civil rights” and “affirmative action.”

If any of that scourging of the cities was “accidental,” the many thousands of politically active Jews in the U.S. could have worked to reverse that ridiculous decision in subsequent decades. Quite obviously, that did not happen. By any reasonable reading of the organized lawfare that led to the 1948 Shelley decision, this was deliberate ethnic cleansing aided by badly indoctrinated (or willfully malicious) judges.

So yes, the paranoia, bigotry and predatory behavior of some Jews (or any other tribalist cohort) are valid issues needing principled and appropriate responses. But that doesn’t justify so many people (usually “sponsor me” weasels on the internet) who scapegoat “The Jews” for every problem in the world. Actually, it’s the unprincipled, unhinged hysterics against All Things Jewish that gives politicians aligned with Talmudic Pharisees their favorite marketing claim that everyone hates us for no reason whatsoever! And the unnecessary hostilities on both sides of the “Jewish Question” are unfortunate for everyone.

More importantly, any “true American patriots” on the political scene during the 1940s and 50s completely failed to organize and fight back against the Nationalist uprisings that had been brewing since the 1890s. Most of those events had little or nothing to do with Jewish advocacy in politics, entertainment or mass media. With faux populism and ethnic tribalism running wild in our land, the past century-plus of Nationalist expansion has not received a fraction of the attention it deserves. Certainly not from jingoistic FCC broadcasters or feckless government school teachers. Usually not from alt-right “sponsor me” goofs either.

As noted before, the enormity of what America has tolerated with abortion on demand since 1973 (like the enormity of the 1963 JFK assassination or the disasters of two World Wars) can only be put into proper perspective when we consider how far America had already fallen in prior generations.

While Single-Issue Extremists were Sleeping: Brief Timeline of ‘Nationalist’ Expansion

If you settle for the false options of National Socialism or Global Socialism, I suppose a person could make arguments for either one that might sound reasonable. If we throw in the distractions of dubious “traditions” and all sorts of sacred objects, that just clouds the picture even more. And while legions of “sponsor me” cucks are busy pillow fighting about such delicacies, our ruling authorities rest comfortably in power.

On the general topic of “nationalism,” it’s important to remember that America’s original European settlers had nothing to do with that tribalist fantasy as it is promoted today. Those brave souls who risked everything and turned a pagan wasteland into thriving communities, schools and businesses all shared a common vision of walking away from the corrupt European statism of their forefathers. The ancient religion of divine rulers and sacred objects or the modern incantation of “blood and soil” was the last thing on people’s minds.

Unfortunately, by the 1780s our Revolutionary Royals decided to re-inject some Olde World nationalism into their new Constitution imposed on previously “free and independent States.” That included national mail delivery (heavy control of mass communications), national taxing authority, national voting rights, national “patent” monopolies, national “copyright” privileges, complete national control over immigration, and a national military. A National Banking charter was granted in 1781 and then centralized under Washington control in 1791.

Although few American “patriots” fought for any of that nationalism during the bloody civil war against England, that’s what people got. Lincoln’s illegal blockade and subsequent invasion of the South in the 1860s further advanced the cause of nationalism.

While the American public never expressed any significant desire for national control over local affairs, the seeds planted by Washington, Hamilton, Lincoln and other “eloquent brutes” eventually sprouted. Some of the biggest, yet widely overlooked, instances of national mania crept forward beginning in 1909, the 100-year anniversary of the birth of “great” nationalist warrior, Abe Lincoln. And the cancer only grew after that.

Since 1909, America has gotten infinitely more nationalistic, almost always without the approval of voters or specifically against the expressed Will of the People. You may notice that nationalized “abortion rights” only came about towards the end of this drift.

Some highlights of 20th Century U.S. Nationalism:

  • National Tax on Corporations (1909)
  • First Politician on a regular U.S. Coin: 1909 Lincoln Penny; similar transitions would occur in 1932 (Washington quarter), 1938 (Jefferson nickel), and 1946 (Roosevelt dime)
  • National income tax (1913) opens door to Congressional spending on anything and special-interest grift
  • National banking cartel (closed in 1836, restarted 1913)
  • National democracy crusade #1 (1917-18) kills millions and gains nothing for the U.S.
  • Chicago Cubs baseball owner adopts musical tribute to National Pride as marketing stunt during World Series (1918)
  • Nationalized broadcasting cartels (1927) lead to heavy censorship in the 1930s and beyond
  • Faces of National politicians carved into a mountainside (begun 1927, finished 1941)
  • Nationalized home loans (1932) sets the stage for “redlining” and further federal home-wrecking in 1948
  • Nationalized Unions (1935) immediately leads to chaos and blockades and more economic malaise
  • Nationalized retirement slush fund (1935) swindles millions of oldsters into quitting work forever—a new “tradition” based entirely on lies, laziness and servility
  • Nationalized wage controls (1938) inject Washington’s planners into delicate business decisions across the country, then spawn even more turmoil during WW2
  • National democracy crusade #2 (1941-45) kills tens of millions and gains nothing for the U.S. (e.g., American cities decimated by domestic saboteurs in the 1950s, etc.)
  • NFL shows support for FDR’s crusade by inserting ‘National Anthem’ into the game (1941), a tradition “Hatched during one war, institutionalized during another”
  • Nationalized corporate health “benefits” (early 1940s) grow out of WW2 wage controls and soon get most Americans hooked on third-party health insurance
  • Nationalized college subsidies (1944, smaller steps before that in 1862 and 1918) supplants over 300 years of American reliance on mentoring and apprenticeships; gives rise to an academic priesthood of experts with no experience who would soon serve as the cheering section for the welfare-warfare state and unprecedented National controls over most facets of American life
  • National destruction of neighborhood covenants (1948) abolishes Freedom of Association—see Sidebar on Shelley court ruling; as for the average black American who just wanted to live in peace, the 1948 ruling only derailed opportunities for millions of people who were now stuck in urban ghettos often run by black demagogues who love to shout about “racism” on prime-time news
  • Nationalized tax breaks for approved “marriages” (1948) spawns right-wing posturing on “family values” and the LGBTQ push for a gov’t stamp of approval for their sexual partnerships a generation later
  • Nationalized “non-profit” charities (1954) triggers an explosion to now 2 million such tax-favored organizations, with puritanical anti-business sentiment rampant
  • National democracy crusade #3 in Korea (officially 1950-53, U.S. invasion started in 1945) kills millions and promotes USA into role of international police force
  • National democracy crusade #4 in Vietnam (officially 1955-75, French warfare started in the 1940s) kills millions and briefly triggers an anti-war response on U.S. college campuses
  • Nationalized highway system (1956) boosts Big Box retailers and Big Auto, crushes local businesses
  • Nationalized racial revenge, Part 1 (1957) enacts special rights for blacks; encourages black militants to “protest” throughout the South and soon brings the period of peaceful black migration to the North to an end
  • Nationalized free food for fat people eliminates any meaningful quality controls for dispensing personal welfare (1964); U.S. obesity rates soar afterwards
  • Nationalized racial revenge, Parts 2 and 3 (1964 and 1965) enact more special rights for blacks; triggers 750 race riots and over “15,000 separate incidents of arson,” from 1964 to 1971, leaving “many black urban neighborhoods … in ruins” as NYT later admits
  • Nationalized primary and secondary education (1965) leads to fossilized standards, administrative micro-management and eventually “woke” political advocacy in the classroom
  • Nationalized male/female hiring decisions (1965) leads to hundreds of thousands of cases of arbitrary Thought Crime harassment of businesses by the EEOC
  • Nationalized Medicaid/Medicare (1965) now costs taxpayers nearly $2 trillion per year just for those two programs and has caused medical expenses to skyrocket for everyone
  • Nationalization of birth control policy (1965 Griswold decision) allows Supreme Court to enter bedrooms in all 50 states; opens the door for abortion debacle eight years later
  • National immigration reform (1965) gives night sweats to hardline American Nationalists for the next 60 years; many claim that America was almost perfect before the ((wrong type)) of dirty foreigners were allowed to crash the party
  • Nationalized worker safety (1970) with federal agency powers to write/enforce/judge their own rules
  • Nationalization of all local air and water pollution (1970) with similar expansive federal powers
  • Nationalized Racial Revenge, Part 4: Abolishing merit testing at private businesses, promoting worthless college “degrees” (1971 Griggs decision)
  • CBS Studios and the Ms. Foundation launch the star-studded album “Free to Be… You and Me” (1972) to promote “gender neutrality” and boys acting more like girls; ABC network turns that into a TV series 16 months later and during the 1970s and 80s kids at government schools were subjected to this early LGBTQ “identity” culture throughout the nation; most parents did nothing to oppose it
  • Nationalized abortion ruling (1973) invalidates child protection laws in all 50 states

INTERMISSION: If we’re being honest, that’s a lot of advancement of Deep State control in America, with extremely little push back from the public. After the January 1973 Roe decision, the D.C. Imperials kept marching forward, for the most part.

And where was the principled resistance from the Right? If conservatives ever take a break from watching sports, napping at church and waving Old Glory… they would do well to consider the question posed by this next image (hat tip to Unz commenter “Al Liguori”):

With precious little freedom remaining by 1973, most Country Club Republicans gave up on “conserving” anything of value. But far from the corridors of power, a few cracks in the federal monolith soon appeared.

To avoid being swallowed in some pit of despair, I’ll note three significant advances for personal freedom over the next 50+ years after Roe v. Wade—along with the accompanying drifts into more National fervor.

Legacy media largely ignores one such example (transportation “deregulation”), openly attacks the other (“home schooling”), and probably wishes the last one (privatizing the internet) never occurred. These three positive events are noted below as *setbacks* for the National Blob.

From January 1973 forward, other major steps in the Nationalization of America included:

  • Nationalization of Healthcare Maintenance Organizations (1973 HMO Act) fossilizes U.S. medicine and continues trend of skyrocketing health costs
  • Nationalized home loans for the poor (1977 CRA) politicized banking, heightened racial tensions and got exploited by the Clinton regime in the 1990s; risky loans to low-credit homeowners led to a thumping $14 trillion in losses during the housing crash of 2007-09
  • Nationalized energy policy (1977 DOE) soon killed nuclear energy, crushed coal power plants, and froze out new refineries for decades
  • Desperate times yield rare *setbacks* for the National Blob: Jimmy Carter and Congress “deregulate” federal airline, railroad and trucking cartels (1978-80) to ease runaway inflation, infuriating unions but saving consumers trillions since then… more progress against federal abuse than 20 years of Reagan-Bush
  • Nationalization of education expanded (U.S. Dept of Ed 1980); test scores sank, woke fragility soared; but some resisted…
  • Another *setback* for the National Blob: A small group of Christian parents and activists take back ownership of their children’s education, with no help from organized religion (a tiny population in the 1960s and 70s, gaining broader support in the 1980s and beyond); these organic community schools reach far beyond the “home” and now involve millions of kids who gain the benefits of being socialized but not lobotomized
  • A Giant Leap for Eco-Fascism: National ‘Clean Air’ Enabling Act Amendments boost mandatory self-incrimination to prove “continuous compliance” (1990); eco-zealots would continue their blood lust a generation later at even greater cost
  • National democracy crusades in the Middle East (1991-Present) kill millions and waste $8 trillion since 2001
  • Major *setback* for the National Blob: Control of the internet transfers from military-university hands to the general public (first website 1991, privatized 1995); once freed from government control, it eventually allows independent news sites to challenge official narratives (bypassing entrenched FCC broadcasters) for the first time since the 1930s—easily the biggest “oopsie” in Deep State history
  • Complete National meltdown after ((someone)) orchestrated a high-profile but limited retaliation on 9-11-2001, causing about 3,000 American casualties; former cheerleader G.W. Bush soon launches deadly invasions of Afghanistan (Oct 2001) and Iraq (2003) just as his Israeli sponsors had long desired; further U.S. invasions of Libya and Syria would proceed as planned under the Obama regime
  • FCC National broadcasters would use their immense privileges to howl about a ‘War on Terror’ for the next 20+ years (2001-Present)
  • “Polluters” become the new “heretics” as Earth-worshippers go on the offensive; caving to Green lobby pressure, five lawyers on the Supreme Court decide in 2007 that airborne plant food (CO2) is a global crisis that warrants massive new federal powers to punish human progress at a projected cost of over $100 trillion
  • “Oh, SNAP!” Nationalized junk food for fatties gets a facelift of “Supplemental Nutrition” to remove the “stigma” of Food Stamp dependency (2008)
  • Healthcare Nationalization, Act 2: The Obamacare “individual mandate” (2010) and other meddling help push U.S. health costs to nearly $5 trillion per year by 2023
  • At the 50th anniversary of the National Welfare State (1964 to 2014) costs come in at a staggering $22 trillion, with millions trapped in despair and “conservatives” abandoning any meaningful opposition
  • Donald Trump enters the White House in 2017, pledging to “drain the swamp”; National Debt explodes by $8 trillion (or 40%) under his watch and almost *none* of the National expansion from the last century is rolled back
  • National Covid “vax” crusade (2020-22) disrupts schooling and the entire economy, but is finally stopped by SCOTUS conservatives who block Biden’s OSHA bureaucrats from imposing experimental mRNA “vaccines” on 80 million people; many Americans finally realize “something” isn’t right in Washington!
  • National lesbian, sodomy and transvestite movements get a boost from the Biden administration (2021) and aligned Corporations (NFL, Target, Starbucks, Budweiser, etc.), pushing “woke” policies that few Americans voted for
  • Nationwide invasion of third-world welfare migrants launched by Democrats and defended by FCC broadcasters (2021); where 1948 gave us the Slaughter of Cities, this attempt at ethnic cleansing was more comprehensive; yet MAGA loyalists and their Nationalist leader refuse to say anything about welfare reform to lessen the financial attraction
  • A National Disgrace or a window into the soul of America? In July 2024, Congress gives over 50 standing ovations to a foreign warlord with a long record of anti-American hostilities; meanwhile rabid “white nationalists” wail that “ZOG” just sprang up out of nowhere and can only be defeated with more vigorous flag-waving and MAGA hats
  • Donald Trump wins re-election to the Presidency in Nov 2024, promising that this time he means it on “draining the swamp”; yet his campaign features few specifics and heavy doses of bashing Democrats, China and immigrants to distract people from his past failures*

*With the help of South African immigrant Elon Musk and first generation Indian-American Vivek Ramaswamy, their Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) seems genuinely interested in minimizing federal waste and perhaps restoring some lost freedoms to American citizens. Facing immense opposition in Washington and its legacy media outlets—and with minimal organized support from fractious “conservatives”—DOGE will have a difficult time achieving any positive results, if they don’t give up first.

A More Subtle but Toxic ‘Standing Ovation’

People may notice that I left out one important milestone on our path to Nationalizing Everything. This was the radical stunt (at the time) of forcing school kids to stand and recite a daily Loyalty Oath of blind “allegiance” to our federal masters. In particular, the utterance “one nation… indivisible” conveys the notion that quitting the Empire justifies mass murder. And that’s considerably more harmful to the “American spirit” than Congressional cowards giving about 50 standing ovations to a foreign warlord one night last year.

Launched in 1892, conceived by a socialist preacher and promoted by government school administrators soon afterward, this expressly un-American gimmick has morphed into an untouchable taboo that George H.W. Bush exploited in his 1988 presidential campaign, neo-con belligerents now defend to the death, and “pro-choice” liberals are too bashful to mention.

Fast forwarding to today, with total National Debt (public and private) over $100 trillion, Americans have now trapped themselves in a dangerous pit of Federal-Corporate (fascistic) dependency. And none of the white or black or other ethnic Nationalist “leaders” have a clue what to do about it—except for scapegoating China, Russia, immigrants, Jews and/or the “far right.” So, yeah, I think blind nationalism leads to other moral failings.

Of course, there are those who still insist that “nationalism” is a force for good, because… well, duh! Of course it is. Flag. Voting. Eagle. Democracy. Apple Pie!

It’s so obvious. All my teachers at government school told me so.

For the rest of us, it would be good to ignore that hype and focus more directly on the many things in personal and public life that matter more than token symbols and tribal folklore.


The Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs decision returned “abortion” back to the States, as it had been for over a century before seven delusional judges nationalized infanticide in 1973. This in itself should be recognized as progress for many reasons, including increased respect for Constitutional law and validation of community standards over remote central planning.

Of course, pro-abortion Democrats and their FCC media apologists are furious that they can no longer impose their version of morality on the entire nation. At minimum, during every election season for the foreseeable future we’ll be treated to their scare campaigns of emotional manipulation to celebrate their favorite “choice” and deceive some voters into thinking totalitarian Democrats are fighting for freedom. Hopefully, Republicans won’t cave under pressure or fall for the extremist position of imposing a single, inflexible anti-abortion mandate across the country.

If the fanaticism of the Abortion Nationalists spurs independents and mainstream conservatives to become more involved in community participation and less inclined to federal servility, this will be another good outcome from striking down the ghastly Roe v. Wade usurpation. If any couples are persuaded to think twice before “terminating” their living and growing offspring, that will be a bonus.

Email: [email protected]

About sujan

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