Persona 5 Royal Ann Confidant Guide

Persona 5 Royal Ann Confidant Guide

While Persona 5 Royal offers you a plethora of Confidants, the Lovers is one of the first ones you will unlock.

Your friendship with Ann will begin automatically on April 15th. After that, you can start hanging out with her and increase the Confidant rank at your own pace on whichever day you want, provided that she is also available to go out on that specific date.


Persona 5 Royal: Moon Confidant Guide – Yuuki Mishima

Do you need help reaching max rank with Yuuki in Persona 5 Royal? This Confidant guide has you covered.

Therefore, here, we will be listing all the new abilities you will obtain by leveling up this social link, as well as providing all the dialogue choices you can make to advance through those ranks as quickly as possible.

Ann Takamaki Confidant Abilities

Persona 5 Royal Ann social link rank up abilities

Ann is already considered one of Persona 5 Royal’s best party members, thanks to how useful her abilities are. I have personally lost count of how many times they have helped me out of a bind.

One of her most useful abilities is the Sexy Technique, which has saved my team from a devastating attack quite several times.

Aside from her abilities, Ann’s skills are also nothing to scoff at. Her Persona Carmen, in all its forms, has an arsenal of skills that range from raising the fires of hell to performing life-saving heals.

Ann’s Fire skills can also inflict Burn ailment on your enemies, allowing you to strategize and inflict Technical damage. Aside from being an offensive powerhouse, she can also perform Defense buffs, making her an ideal fighter to have on your team in Persona 5 Royal. Her Confidant abilities, listed below, only make her more potent.




Rank 1

Rank 2

Girl Talk

If negotiation with a female Shadow fails, you can try again.

Rank 3

Follow Up

Chance to perform a follow-up attack if Joker’s attack does not down the enemy.

Rank 4

Sexy Technique

Chances to grab the enemy’s attention and cancel their attack.

Rank 5

Crocodile Tears

Chances to force enemies to ask for less during negotiations.

Rank 6

Harisen Recovery

Chance to cure status ailments inflicted upon party members

Rank 7

Rank 8


Chance to withstand an otherwise fatal attack with 1 HP remaining.

Rank 9


Chance to shield Joker from an otherwise fatal attack.

Rank 10

Second Awakening

Transform her Persona into a mythological trickster (Hecate)

The Lovers Confidant Overview

Talking to Ann in Shibuya Underground Mall in Persona 5 Royal

Ann is one of your Confidants with whom you can enter into a romantic relationship. Out of the 2-3 dialogue options, you will have to choose the correct ones in each rank to gain affection points.

Do keep in mind that you need a Lovers Arcana Persona in your inventory in order to obtain a boosted number of affection points. Otherwise, you will be missing out on some.

If you are ever a few points away from unlocking the next Confidant rank, the game will give you the option to give gifts for some extra affection points. The best gifts for Ann are the Designer Perfume and Red Lipstick.

As for availability, Ann usually hangs out in the classroom or at the Shibuya Underground Mall. She is free to go out on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Ann is also available on rainy days, so be sure to use this to your advantage. Planning ahead will allow you to make the most of your time in Persona 5 Royal.

Rank 1

Persona 5 Royal Ann, Ryuji, and Joker in the train station

For Ann’s social link, you will reach Rank 1 automatically as you progress through the story. More specifically, an event will take place on April 15th, which will lead to you reaching the first rank of this Confidant.

As such, you don’t have to worry about choosing the wrong dialogue option here.

Rank 2

Persona 5 Royal Talking to Ann in a restaurant

Prerequisite: You can only start ranking up this social link on 6th May, after finishing the first dungeon. Your Kindness rank needs to be at least level 2 (Considerate).

When you meet Ann in the classroom, you can tell by reading her dialogue that something is bothering her.

In this rank, Joker gives Ann the reassurance that none of the misfortune that befell Shiho was her fault and tries to encourage her.

Here are all the dialogue options you will have for this rank and all the affection points they give:

“So, I apologized as well.”

“Are you feeling better now?” +3

“She’s so strong.” +3

“So are you friends again?” +2

“…But in the end, maybe I just didn’t believe in her ability.”

“You can’t blame yourself?” +2

“You might be right.” +3

“Kamoshida had the upper hand.” +2


“I couldn’t just ignore you.” +3

“It was no big deal.” +2

“I’m going to find the answer, I promise.”

“I’ll help.” +3

“Let’s find it together.” +3

“I hope you’ll join me again next time!”

“Of course. You’re my teammate.” +2

“Leave it to me.” +2

“The no-refills thing again?” +2

Rank 3

Persona 5 Royal Hanging out with Ann in a park

In this rank, Joker and Ann hang out like regular high schoolers (albeit ones who secretly steal hearts).

Ann tries a new way to strengthen her Personas by doing fun exercises, and Joker is introduced to the fact that Ann does side gigs as a model.

“Well, I came up with a way to do it!”

“How’s that?” +0

“You’re amazing.” +0

“So basically, I want you to say stuff to me, and I’ll try not to get fazed by it!”

“What kind of stuff…?” +0

“That’s your training…?” +0

“I don’t get it…” +0

“C’mon, hit me with your best shot!”

“You’re stupid.” +0

“You’re an airhead.” +0

“You’re… unique.” +0

“Yeah, yeah, yeah! And?”

“You’re a hard worker.” +0

“That response was annoying.” +0

“Can we stop yet?” +0

“Uh-huh, uh-huh. What else?”

“I like you.” +2

“I love you.” +2

“Can we stop yet?” +3

“Bring it on!”

“Listen to me.” +0

“This won’t help your heart.” +0

“You’re a genius…” +0

“You know… I kinda feel like this won’t make our Personas stronger.”

“You’re right.” +0

“You finally get it.” +0

“It sounds like shoots have been real hectic with all the scrambling they’ve had to do for substitutes.”

“That’s odd.” +2

“Has that happened to you?” +3

“… Maybe less these days.”

“Are you lonely?” +0

“That freedom sounds nice.” +2

“She had to have seen me, right? Do you think she thought I was cool…?”

“Could be.” +2

“You’re so self-conscious.” +0

“Was she a child model?” +0

Rank 4

Persona 5 Royal Joker and Ann sitting on a fence

Ann meets with Joker at their usual spot and opens up about how she and Shiho became best friends. After some reminiscing, Ann shares her newfound motivation to star in action movies.

Despite the chaotic circumstances, which ended up being a stepping stone for Joker and Ann’s friendship, I think this interaction really sets the tempo straight and showcases how Ann is trying to overcome her trauma and opening up more to Joker.

“It feels like I can’t understand any of it. It’s honestly kinda scary.”

“I know what you mean.” +3

“I’m not sure I follow.” +0

“That comes down to you.” +2

“The first thing she said was, ‘Takamaki-san, your paintings suck.'”

“That was mean of her.” +2

“That’s hilarious.” +3

“Was she right?” +0

“About that female thief in the anime I used to watch? Well, I thought of something!”

“Tell me?” +3

“I’m afraid to know.” +2

“… Who?” +0

“And that’s why I’m going to try and learn from them!”

“Good idea.” +3

“How exactly?” +2

“I’m gonna star in action movies!”

“That’s not going to work.” +0

“You haven’t learned anything.” +0

“Good luck with that.” +3

“Do you do anything to train your body?”

“I train everyday.” +2

“Not really.” +0

“I carry Morgana in my bag.” +2


Persona 5 Royal: Priestess Confidant Guide – Makoto

“Go full throttle, Johanna!”

Rank 5

Persona 5 Royal Joker and Ann talking in Shibuya

Joker is hanging out with Ann when suddenly Ann gets a call from her agency to fill in for one of the models.

Here, we get to see the dark side of modeling and just how tough the business can be. Joker is introduced to Ann’s modeling rival for the first time, although the rivalry is mostly one-sided.

“Do you think maybe Shiho would want one too?”

“Maybe.” +0

“Give it up.” +2

“I really screwed that up…”

“You’re outmatched.” +0

She’s amazing, huh…” +2

“But still, wasn’t Mika’s fake crying pretty incredible?”

“It had grace.” +2

“She’d be a great Phantom Thief.” +0

“I-I dunno though, I think I’m pretty good at fake crying myself. I know the perfect technique.”

“So how do you do it?” +0

“Tell me more.” +0

“The key is… you don’t actually cry!”

“I figured that much.” +0

“I mean, that’s why it’s ‘fake.'” +0

Rank 6

Persona 5 Royal Ann venting to Joker at a restaurant

With Shiho still in the hospital, Ann shares that seeing her best friend in pain hasn’t been easy on her.

It becomes clear here just how much Ann cares about her best friend, Shiho, and athe lengths she is willing to go to support her and help her overcome her physical and mental wounds.

The dialogue options for how to best comfort Ann during this scene in Persona 5 Royal are listed below.

“I guess you really just need someone to laugh at you if you want to feel better.”

“It seems that way.” +3

“That’s such a simple solution.” +0

“If it’s a friend, yeah.” +2

“So I agreed without thinking much of it, but it ended up being… pretty overwhelming.”

“How so?” +0

“Was she working hard?” +0

“Was she in pain?” +0

“… Is it because I’m weak?”

“You’re not weak.” +0

“It’s because you’re kind.” +0

“So I was thinking, and um… what can I do to help Shiho?”

“Comfort her.” +3

“Listen to what she has to say.” +2

“Show her your own strength.” +3

“But now that I saw her crying, I know I’ll find something I can do for her…!”

“Someone’s motivated.” +2

“I’ll cheer you on.” +2

“You gonna be okay?” +0

Rank 7

Persona 5 Royal Ann and Joker meeting Mika

Ann and her modeling rival Mika clash once again. While the clash is not pretty, it gives Ann the determination to pursue a new path.

The best dialogue options for this interaction are listed below.

“I wonder why…”

“It’s a trap!” +0

“She admires you.” +2

“Why did Mika ask for me…?”

“So she could show you up.” +0

“Because you’re a natural beauty.” +0


“Cheer up.” +0

“Please don’t cry.” +0

“I want to be a real model…!”

“You already are one.” +0

“Go get ’em, tiger.” +2

“What about your action movies…?” +0

“Obviously that means dieting, cutting back on food, and no matter how tough it is, I’ll do any workout!”

“You got this.” +2

“Don’t strain yourself.” +0

“Trying to be like Mika?” +0


Persona 5 Royal: Tower Confidant Guide – Shinya Oda

Do you need help reaching max rank with Shinya Oda in Persona 5 Royal? This Confidant guide has you covered.

Rank 8

Persona 5 Royal Ryuji, Ann, and Joker in the gym

Your best friend Ryuji will also accompany you and Ann for this hang-out. Ann is determined to work out more in pursuit of her modeling career.

Having another friend in a specific social link is always a welcoming sight to see, as it builds chemistry among party members as well, rather than just with Joker. Here’s how to gain the most affection points during this scene:

“Obviously I want to cut down on my waist size too… and firm up my butt and calves!”

“That’s a lot of work…” +0

“You have some real guts.” +3

“You’re beautiful as is.” +2

“Huh… There has to be somewhere my vibrant charm will shine, right!?”

“There’s no doubt in my mind.” +3

“I hope so.” +3

“Good luck finding it.” +3

“It’s simple stuff like that that’ll help you keep pushin’.” – Ryuji

“Good advice.” +0

“You’re so dumb, Ryuji…” +0

“I need to show her that I’m working hard… and that she doesn’t need to worry so much about me.”

“She’ll be happy to hear that.” +3

“I’m sure she already knows.” +3

“…I wonder if this is how Shiho felt with her rehab? Being able to push herself because someone was there with her…”

“That’s probably it.” +2

“I wonder.” +0

“You can ask her yourself.” +2

Rank 9

Persona 5 Royal Ann, Shiho, and Joker on school rooftop

In this rank, you will decide whether you wish to pursue a romantic relationship with Ann or keep things platonic.

This is a critical stage in your developing relationship with her, so make your decision before continuing.

“We’re so high up…” – Shiho

“It’s dangerous up here.” +0

“Step away from the ledge.” +0

“Why did you want to come here?” +0

“So, I wanted to see if she would show up again now.” -Shiho

“And?” +0

“She’s gone, isn’t she?” +0

“Because, well… the only way I can help Shiho is to show her how hard I’m working.”

“Hang in there.” +3

I believe in you, Ann.”” +3

“I guess… I’m alone again, huh…?”

“You have the others.” +0 (Friendship Path)

“You have me.” +0 (Romance Path)

(Romance Path only) “W-Wait, what did I just say!?”

“You said ‘I love you.'” +0

“I didn’t hear you.” +0

Rank 10

Persona 5 Royal Ann and Joker on a date

This scene will play out slightly differently, depending on whether you chose the friendship path or the romance path.

Whichever path you chose, you can now be proud of the fact that Joker and Ann now share an unbreakable connection. It’s sure to pay dividends in battle, as well as enriching the story going forward.

“So… how was I?”

“You really gave it your all.” +3

“You still have a ways to go.” +3

“Everyone was complimenting you.” +3

“Just like you and Shiho are for me…”

“That’s embarrassing.” +3

“I’ll be there with you.” +3

“You can do it, Ann.” +3

“U-Uhhh…” (Romance Path Only)

“What’s wrong?” +0

“It’s just the two of us.” +0

“But… I’m still kinda worried. Do you think you could help me?”

“Of course.” +3

“Anything for you.” +3

“You can lean on me too, if you need it.”

“I will.” +0

“I already am.” +0

“That doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop counting on you. After all, you’re an eternal member of my fan club!” (Friendship Only)

“What’s that?” +0

“Eternal?” +0

“Promise me that you’ll stay by my side… Okay?” (Romance Only)

“Of course.” +0

“I should be asking you that.” +0

“Um, before we get off…sh-should we at least do one thing… you know… that couples do?” (Romance Only)

“Couples?” +0

“Just one?” +0


Persona 5 Royal: Fortune Confidant Guide – Chihaya

Do you need help reaching max rank with Chihaya in Persona 5 Royal? This Confidant guide has you covered.

About sujan

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