If you are a student or a researcher and you require a Virtual Private server to host your script for educational purpose, there are many good companies offering you free VPS hosting. Some require credit card information, some ask you to verify yourself as a student but the good thing is, you get a free VPS to do your work. However there are some special programs running at major companies for students and educators. All you need is to prove yourself as one.
A wonderful facility from a wonderful community. GitHub student pack offers you free promo codes that you can apply to avail great discounts for hosting. They have partnered Digitalocean, Microsoft Azure cloud, Amazon AWS educate program. Once you get the promo, you can get the VPS for absolutely free for a few months.
- You get $100 DigitalOcean Credit for Cloud hosting
Keep in mind that you will have to provide them your school issued email ID and school must be a recognized school.
Amazon educate program is for both educators and students. Here you get discount coupons along with access to multiple helpful features of amazon lab.
For Educators
- 200 in AWS credits per educator – at member institutions
- $75 in AWS credits per educator – at non-member institutions
For Students
- $100 in AWS credits per student – at member institutions
- $35 in AWS credits per student – at non-member institutions
They offer $200 free credit to use while running linux or windows virtual machines on cloud for educational purpose.
Student and faculty both get free credit by applying through a simple application form on the website. Needless to say, you need to verify yourself as an educator or student.
There are many other web hosting companies with certain offers for Students for free hosting but these were the top 3. If you are not an student but still want hosting, you can try these companies who offer Free VPS hosting without asking your credit card information.
- free vps for students
- student vps
- windows virtual server for student
- Free vps server for students
- free vps student 2 years