tried a new theme for my blogger (http://btecho.blogspot.com/). Everything was fine, except for the post title. When I’m in the home page of my blog I got this large text post title, but when I click on one of my post, the post title font changes and the size of it becomes small. .I played around the css code, and tried to edit the following. I tried changing the .post h3 a,.post h3 a:visited,.post h3 strong to .post h2 a,.post h2 a:visited,.post h2 strong, and this .post h3 a,.post h3 a:visited,.post h3 strong. Nothing happened, And the other lines of codes I also tried to modify it to see if there is changes. The part of the codes for post section of the HTML file were I played around is shown below. I really appreciate if anyone of you can help me on this. BTW, I’m beginner on HTML. Thanks!
.post {
margin:0 0 25px;
.post h3 a,.post h3 a:visited,.post h3 strong {
font-family:Cuprum, arial, serif;
.post h3 strong,.post h3 a:hover {
}html css blogger -
2In your Home Page your post tilte is in “a” tag which has font-size:30 while in your detail page title is not in “a” tag.Furthermore your css classes of title (i.e. post-title and entry-title) is not defined or you didnt link those files properly.Solution:
- Try to link the file. If it exist.
- or give a new css class which have the property font-size:30
Tags blogger templates blogspot