How I Am Making $200+ Monthly for Doing Nothing

From last few months I was busy in creating various blogs on different niches which include Software, Movie, Songs and various others. I tried monetizing them with Google Adsense, Infolinks but I was getting quite less CPC, so I tried some other ways of monetizing my blog content which proved and helps me in making $200 extra. What I was trying to do is create some money making blogs which will help me make some passive income.
Not only me but there are many bloggers around the web who are using this tactic to make some passive income for just 2 minutes of work. I will tell you how they are doing it, and filling up their bank account.

How I Am Making $200+ Monthly for Doing Nothing

If you have created a blog which get really high traffic then you can monetize them with it is a link shortener site which helps you monetize any incoming and outgoing links. In last 2-3 months with my 2 friends I created a blog on software,movies & songs niche. These blogs were driving some good amount of traffic from search engines and remaining from social media like Facebook and Twitter.
The best part about is that, it helps me monetize both incoming and outgoing links. The traffic which is coming from search engine are targeted traffic, and they came to my blog with search terms that ended with download, free download etc. So they came on my blog to download something and I shorten the outgoing link with which didn’t affect audience experience. I just shorten the Download links using and whenever visitors click download I get paid. There are many shortening link services out there but nobody works better as does.
Not only that traffic which we are driving from social site likes Facebook and Twitter are also shorten by so I earn even when they arrive on my blog from referral sources.
In short “I am getting paid for both driving traffic to my blog and sending traffic from my blog.

Why is best from others ?

This is the screenshot of this month, even half of the month has not completed and I have made $102
According to me is one of the best link shortener in Industry I have ever used. It pays around $1.70/1000 visits from India. You will find no other shortening service like it except but the major drawback of using is that in most of the countries it doesn’t work so you didn’t get paid even for the visit. It is simply a myth that by joining one can make good money but truth is something else.
It is my own personal experience that I am sharing with you. There are many advantages of using that I noticed and compared later with other link shorteners which are :
  • Low Payout rate i.e of $5
  • Easy User Interface can be used by beginners quite easily
  • They have quite Click Value and eCPM
  •  They are trust worthy and has been working with so many bloggers, webmasters all around the world
  • There are many payment proof around Google, go and check out.
So I personally recommend to monetize your incoming and outgoing links to make extra money from your blog.
Let’s Start Sho

Various Other Ways of Making Money With Link Shorteners

Making money is a combination of following skills like art, innovation, patience, dedication, hard work and innovation. If you have all the above qualities then making money online is quite easy for you. So there is not only one way of making money from link shortener but there are 100’s of ways. But in this article we will look forward on some of the best way of making money. Let’s get started :
1. Sharing Top Trending News :
By sharing top trending hot news over the social sites can help you drive huge audience to your shorten link, you just have to select the best hot news shorten it with link shortener and then share it in targeted Facebook Groups.
Same thing you can do it on Twitter and Instagram to drive traffic using Hashtags.
2. YouTube Channel :
You can create YouTube Video channels of simple videos and add your shorten link in description, as we all know video marketing is going to be the next trend on Internet, so better one should move towards video creation.
3. Sharing Funny YouTube Videos :
You can also make money by sharing funny videos from YouTube to target groups using link shorteners. Facebook is the most targeted source of traffic after Google, so one should use it better and wisely.
4. Affiliate :
If you are using then there is one more option of making money i.e Affiliate, also have an affiliate system which help you earn some commission if you refer more users to their site.
There are many more ways which we will share in future.
Let us know what you think about, and if you know any more such link shortening sites, put them down in comments below and share your experience with us. Don’t forget to share it with your friends and others.

About Sujan Chakraborty

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