here how to add metakeywords to your blog

As we known, meta keyword is one important way to optimize your website search ranking. Search engines use meta keyword to filter sites for the search result of querry occured by their search tool. If your keywords is bad, click rate of your site in search result low, your rank will be lower, lower and may be banned out of the list. So, is meta-keyword important?

For blogger users, the question is how to add meta keyword to ours blog? Ya. The answer is:

1. First, sign in to blogger; at Dashboard, click “Layout” tab; then click “Edit HTML”.
2. Find this line of code :

<b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>

You could press Ctrl+F to use “Find” function of your browser.

3. Copy three line below and paste after the line we found at step 2.

<meta content=DESCRIPTION name=’description’/>
<meta content=KEYWORDS name=’keywords’/>
<meta content=AUTHOR name=’author’/>

4. Replace the words in red with your appropriated content.

Now your could view your blog and check your meta tags at the page source ( in your browser, click View/Source(Page Source) ).

Happy harvest exp.

About Sujan Chakraborty

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