Google has announced it has updated its Google Ads political content policy this month for to include a form related to California restrictions. “California residents may use this form to report ads that may violate California Elections Code Division 20, Chapter 7,” Google said.
If you dig into the new California code you will see this is about “Defending Democracy from Deepfake Deception Act of 2024.” Here are more details:
(c) In the lead-up to the 2024 presidential elections, candidates and parties are already creating and distributing deepfake images and audio and video content. These fake images or files can spread to millions of Californians in seconds and skew election results or undermine trust in the ballot counting process.
(e) In order to ensure California elections are free and fair, California must, for a limited time before and after elections, prevent the use of deepfakes and disinformation meant to prevent voters from voting and to deceive voters based on fraudulent content. Accordingly, the provisions of this chapter are narrowly tailored to support California’s compelling interest in protecting its free and fair elections.
So this form should allow California residents to report such images so that Google can remove those ads.
Forum discussion at LinkedIn.