Better together: AI, no-code, and the human workforce

Better together: AI, no-code, and the human workforce

In 2022, the AI boom took the world by storm, sparking up conversations about its impact on society and asking the burning question: Does it have the power to take our jobs?

McKinsey conducted a study on the topic of AI and its potential consequences for the human workforce, concluding that 15% of the global workforce may have their job replaced by AI come 2030. This justifiably raised concerns about job displacement, particularly in sectors where generative AI has shown significant potential, such as customer service, digital marketing, and data entry. Two years down the line, the initial buzz and clamor has calmed down — but the question still stands. While headlines continued to paint a grim picture of a workforce rendered obsolete, this narrative overlooks a crucial element; the potential for AI to empower humans and free them up to fully apply their creativity to create new opportunities.

About sujan

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