10 Types of Blog Posts That Should Bring You More Page Views

10 Types of Blog Posts That Should Bring You More Page Views

Inbound marketing can be hugely rewarding for a business, and one of the best ways to achieve it is through a blog. According to Hubspot, companies that blog have 97 more inbound links than those that don’t.
10 Types of Blog Posts That Should Bring You More Page Views
But in order to reach that kind of numbers, you need to generate a blog that customers actually read. Don’t worry, though; if traffic is low on your page, there are things you can do to boost your total views.

You can start by changing up the style and content of your blog posts. Here’s a few ideas for how.

1. How-To Posts and Tutorials

How-tos are the most powerful and timeless of blog posts, assuming they’re well done. Most people go to the web in search of instruction from tutorials. Whether they’re wondering how to change their oil or how to decorate their living room, the love to find how-tos that show them the way. A great example of this can be seen in our how to create guest posts article.

But you have to make sure these kind of posts are of very high quality and offer unmistakably valuable information. Be aware that you’ll probably be competing with many already-published articles but most of them just skim the surface.

The ones that really sink deep into the topic or process will provide the most value to readers, so you want to make sure yours is one of them.

2. Then-and-Now Posts

Thanks to Facebook’s throwback posts, online consumers have become more interested in then-and-now posts. They revel in the contrast.

For instance, describing the look of furniture placement in the 70s compared to now is a great way to offer that contrast and display how far things have come in terms of interior design.

3. Lists and Rich-Text Articles

Lists and rich-text articles make it easy for page visitors to pick out information quickly without having to read the entire article. This type of blog piece typically offers a variety of actionable tips and advice, and it’s a form of blog post that never gets old and always performs well.

4. Cheat Sheets

People love tips and tricks that make their life a lot easier. As people prepare for Thanksgiving, for example, a cheat sheet can provide reminders of guests to invite or checklists of food to make. Go the extra mile and offer these cheat sheets in the form of a printable PDF.

5. Controversy

This is one you have to be careful with. Only post a controversial article if you feel you’re ready to handle the backlash that is likely to follow — and that’s if you’resuccessful.

It’s a great way to generate interaction, but you have to keep up with the engagement, and reply to posts in a timely and consistent manner, as well as try to keep things from getting too ugly.

Controversial posts don’t have to center on politics, though that’s what people think of most often. You could simply disagree with a popular opinion.

For example, web designers have all been going on about how responsive design is king. Writing a post about why it’s not so great will stir up a debate.

6. Infographic with Blog Post

Infographics come in handy for all sorts of reasons. They can help writers escape writer’s block, improve a presentation, add depth to research, and even assist people in deciding on what to eat for dinner.

Creating an infographic that goes with your niche and attaching it to a short blog post can add solid value for readers and boost your SEO.

7. Long Lists of Resources

Have you ever read a blog post entitled something like “50 Blogs You Should Be Reading Right Now”? Some people avoid these kinds of lists, but others find them incredibly useful if they’re just starting their research on a particular subject.

Some bloggers avoid doing this kind of article because it includes links that navigate away from their page, and that makes the author nervous, but really, that’s totally okay. Many readers will remember where the post originated and will back-page to your site. You can sneak your own links into the list of resources to maximize page views.

Here is a great resource for freelancers to illustrate an amazing example that has helped me.

8. Image-Contrived Posts

BuzzFeed is currently the most popular blog on the Internet. The majority of its posts are composed of images with clever captions.

People love images, particularly if they help to illustrate useful tips or offer entertainment. You can’t always achieve the effect on a personal or business blog, but if you can, it’s a great way to generate new followers.

I personally love Visme to create stunning graphics, infographics, etc.

9. Video Posts

Even more than still images and graphics, videos have the power to catch attention better than words alone. Most people who open a video online watch it in its entirety, which increases the amount of time they spend on your page.

You could do vlogs, the term for when someone talks about a certain topic directly to the camera, or they could be how-tos and tutorials. You could also simply do a video that entertains, if you’re up to it.
No matter how you approach the video blog post, you’re sure to increase the time people spend on your sign as long as you can maintain good quality.

10. Interviews

Talk to a satisfied customer, ask an industry guru to appear on your page, or walk around town and ask questions of people on the street at random. Such interviews can often be just entertaining or of potentially high value to viewers.

If you can promise to do further interviews in the future, this is a great way to retain a blog following.

About Sujan Chakraborty

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